About the Author

Brandi L. McMahan

Brandi McMahan is an East Coast native from Virginia living in the Outer Banks of North Carolina with her husband and son. She enjoys the creative arts including photography, crafting and writing. More than anything she loves being a mom to her young son.

The idea for her first book came to her one night when her son Ethan was two years old and she was tucking him into bed. He said to her “Mommy I don’t ever want you to be mean.” She then said to him “I’m sorry that I sometimes have to enforce the rules (like no lollipops after we brush our teeth) but I always love you.” She kissed him on the head and then the words came to her as he drifted off to sleep. Her visions of a whimsical and colorful children’s book quickly took shape.

It was three years later when she found the time to create the illustrations and finally get her first book published!  Quickly followed the second book, third and fourth in the I Love You Forever and a Day series.

Now almost two years later, Brandi has added a fifth title to her children’s book collection.  This book is the beginning of a potential new series, titled “Sebi the Colt”.  The first book “Sebi the Colt: A New Life” is set to debut in the Spring of 2021.

Look for your own copy today at popular retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million and more! If one isn’t available at your favorite retailer (online or local), or if you would like a signed copy, please send a request below.

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